Saturday, July 6, 2019

Chapter 12: Rumbles

Chapter 12: Rumbles
Loud rumbles began to sound off as the ground began to shake. Carmen jumped up and floated above the ground. Grey pushed back on the wheel he stood on. It went down and then jumped into the air. Emi yelped as he gripped onto Grey’s arm.
“Please be careful with the nails,” Grey hissed.
“I’ve never been this high without being strapped into a rollercoaster,” Emi apologized. He wobbled as he attempted to lighten his grip on Grey.
Grey sighed as he placed his hands on his hips. He pulled the young boy into him and wrapped his arms around Emi’s waist. “Just stay close to me then.”
“Stop being so forward with Emi!” Carmen hollered. “It’s lewd.” She held her hands out to Emi. “Come here Emi, I’ll protect you.”
Emi wasn’t sure what to do. Stay on the wheel or float with the crazy lady without any ground support.
Grey answered for him. He tugged Emi back into him. “There’s a thing popping out of your precious field.”
Emi nodded as he saw the head of creature. Flames appeared on the top of it. “It’s on fire!” Emi shrieked back nearly knocking Grey back. Grey locked his knees straight as he stayed straight.
A large creature covered in rose vines and dirt came up from the ground. Fire seemed to escape from its mouth.
“Are dragons real too?” Emi whimpered.
“Yes.” Grey whispered.
“A dragon?” Carmen gasped.
“That explains why your garden was dying. That fire creature was drying everything up.” Grey pointed at the dragon.
It was large and appeared to be coughing fire. It had scaly skin and its horn curved downward. Emi was sure Carmen would throw a fit at the creature.
“There you are Min-min!” Carmen called as she flew over to the dragon.
Emi looked at Grey, looking for answers. Grey looked at him and shrugged. They were both at a loss.
Carmen hugged the creature. “I’ve been so worried about you!”
“I’m so confused…” Emi muttered.
“Oh, you guys don’t worry about Min-Min. She’s my pet,” Carmen explained. “I’ve been wondering where she wondered off to.” She patted the dragon’s head. “Go back to being small now.”
The dragon made a sound of a bark before doing a flip. It turned into a small dog. Carmen landed and held out her hands for the dragon.
“That’s my Min-Min!” She giggled as the dog licked her face.
Min-Min looked like a Shi Tzu dog with black, brown, and white fur.
Grey thought for a moment. His objective was to get Emi. He didn’t have to talk with the flower deity. But now he had questions. He could tell Emi had questions too, what with the way he was leaning forward looking at the ground. Grey landed the wheel in the nearly ruined field a few feet away from Carmen.
Emi hopped off of the wheel and up to Carmen. “This is your pet?”
“Yep! Her name is Min-Min. She’s a fire dragon. This is her everyday form. That other form was her fighting form. Which tells me she was in a fight before taking a nap,” Carmen looked sternly at the dog. Min-Min pouted before nuzzling up to her chest with big puppy dog eyes. Carmen smiled as she patted the animal’s head. “Her body releases nothing up heat when she’s in that form.”
“So that’s why I couldn’t find any water. Or enough water for all of your plants.” Emi hit the bottom of his fist into the palm of his other hand. “Though I don’t think I can fix this,” he said as he looked around the field.
Carmen waved a hand. “Don’t worry too much about it, they’ll grow back. I just have to get water here to refresh the ground. So I’ll have to make a trip to a spring.”
Emi nodded.
“When the fields get back to their wonderful self, I’ll come bring you again, okay?” Carmen grabbed his hands in hers.
“That sounds nice,” Emi smiled.
“Yes, yes,” Grey clapped his hands. “That’s very nice. I’ll be taking the water deity home now.”
“Okay, have a safe trip.” Carmen smiled as Min-Min gave a playful bark in her arms. “And Grey, treat Miss Emi nice.”
“I will Carmen.” Grey stated as he pulled Emi back onto his wheel. “Hold on tight.”
Emi nodded at the court order.
They flew a few yards into the sky before Grey waved his hand in the air creating a portal. They traveled through and Emi found himself flying above his job. Grey landed on the roof of the café and Emi stepped off.
Once Emi was safely off of the wheel, Grey began to chuckle.
“What?” Emi looked at the deity with a ‘what’s-wrong-with-you’ look.
“Carmen still thinks you’re a girl,” his laughing became a loud cackle.
Emi placed his hands on the side of his face. He looked similar to the painting, the Scream. “How could I have forgotten to correct her?” He fell to his knees in distressed.
“I doubt you would be able to correct her ever.” Grey waved his hand. “Just try to stay out of trouble for me.” Grey patted Emi’s shoulder before he flew off on his wheel into another portal.

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